CITY OF TRACY : Plan Review and Staff Support Services (13 years)

SNG provided plan review and project management services for numerous land development projects including identifying the scope of technical studies, reviewing the reports, identifying mitigations, preparing conditions of approval, preparing agreements, review of maps, construction management, inspection and final project acceptance.

The projects include small to large residential subdivisions within the Residential Specific Plan area, Plan “C”, several auto dealerships, commercial shopping centers, fire stations, and churches, service stations within the Infill area and I-205 Specific Plan, and large industrial developments within the Northeast Industrial area.  For all projects, SNG staff has been responsible to coordinate with Planning, Fire Department, Maintenance Division, Parks and Community Services Department and City Attorney’s Office.

Example Residential Developments:

Managed and coordinated work of City consultants and provided review services for several large residential projects such as West Tracy (330 acres), East Lake (150 acres), West Corral Hollow (234 acres), Cheng Property (293 acres) and Souza Citation project (137 acres) for which complex advance planning of infrastructure and financing, preparation of various technical studies and Impact and Burden Analyses were completed


City of Livingston: City Engineer & Staffing services (10 years)


CITY OF DUBLIN : Entitlement and Plan Review Support Services (15 years)